jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018



The information is a term that was invented by Phillip Dreyfus in France in 1962 and accepted by the French Academic in 1966. In Spain they accepted it in 1968. This term comes from the French word informative.

The first mechanical calculating machine, a precursor of the digital computer, was invented in 1642 by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. That device used a series of ten-tooth wheels in which each of the teeth represented a digit from 0 to 9. The wheels were connected in such a way that numbers could be added by making them advance the correct number of teeth. In 1670 the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz perfected this machine and invented one that could also multiply

Analog computers began to be built at the beginning of the 20th century. The first models performed the calculations using rotating shafts and gears. With these machines, the numerical approximations of equations too difficult to be solved by other methods were evaluated. During the two world wars, analogue computer systems, first mechanical and later electrical, were used to predict the trajectory of torpedoes in submarines and for the remote control of aviation bombs.

Evolution of information technology

Evolution of information technology


EDVAC, for its acronym in English, was one of the first electronic computers. Unlike the ENIAC, it was not decimal, but binary and had the first program designed to be stored. This design became the architectural standard for most modern computers. com The design of the EDVAC is considered a success in the history of computer science.

1977-Apple II

The Apple II family of computers was the first series of mass-produced microcomputers made by Apple Computer between the late 1970s and mid-1980s. The Apple II had an 8-bit architecture based on the 6502 processor. It was completely different from the later Apple Macintosh models.


WordStar was a word processor published by MicroPro, originally developed for the operating system CP and later ported to the DOS platform. He enjoyed a dominant position in the market during the first half of the 1980s. Although Seymour was the main owner of the company, Rb was the sole author of the first versions of the program. From WordStar 4.0, the program is based on the new code written mainly by Peter Mierau.


VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet application available for personal computers. It is considered the application that turned the microcomputer of a hobby for computer enthusiasts into a serious business tool. More than 700,000 copies of VisiCalc were sold in six years.

1982-Compaq Computer Corporatio

Compaq was founded in February 1982 by Rod canion, Jim Harris and Bill Murton, the three top managers of semiconductor maker Texas Instruments. Each one invested 1,000 dollars to form the company. His first investment in venture capital came from partners Ben Rosen and Sevin-Rosen, after citing at a Houston restaurant and outlining the business idea on a napkin.

1981-BM PC

The IBM Personal Computer, commonly known as the IBM PC, is the original and progenitor version of the IBM PC compatible hardware platform. It is the IBM model 5150, and was introduced on August 12, 1981. It was created by a team of engineers and designers under the direction of Mr. Stringe of the IBM Entry Systems Division in Boca Raton, Florida.


In computer science, the World Wide Web (WWW) is a system of information distribution based on hypertext or hypermedia linked and accessible through the internet. With a web browser, a user views websites composed of web pages that can contain text, images, videos or other multimedia content, and navigates through them using hyperlinks.


Internet2 (I2) or UCAID is a non-profit consortium that develops advanced networking applications and technologies, most of them to transfer information at high speed. It is a telematics network developed mainly by American universities, built in optical fabra and allows high speeds with great reliability


In 1985 Microsoft released the first version of Windows, a graphical user interface (GUI) for its own operating system (MS-DOS) that had been included in the IBM PC and compatible computers since 1981.


A laptop is a mobile or transportable personal computer, which normally weighs between 1 and 3 kg. Laptops are capable of performing most of the tasks that desktop computers do, with similar capacity and with the advantage that involves their weight and small size; In addition, they have the ability to operate for a certain period without being connected to an electric current.

History of information technology




Computer science, also called computing,  is a science that manages methods, techniques and processes in order to store, process and transmit information and data in digital format.

There is no agreed definition of the term, which can be understood through the Discussions that accompany this page. However, the Association of Computer and Computing Teachers of the Argentine Republic have taken a position, defining it as follows:

"Computer science is the discipline or field of study that covers the set of knowledge, methods and techniques related to the automatic processing of information, together with its theories and practical applications, in order to store, process and transmit data and information in a format Using data processing systems, data is the raw material so that, through its process, information is obtained as a result, for which information is created and  or used by data processing systems, which include physical means (hardware) in interaction with logical media (software) and the people who program and  or use them (humanware) ."

This is why a distinction is made between this term and the Computer Sciences, since the second encompasses the most theoretical part while computing refers to the applicability of the latter in data using electronic devices. In fact, five subdisciplines in the field of information technology are defined: Computer science, computer engineering, information systems, information technology and software engineering.

Computer science, which has developed rapidly since the second half of the 20th century with the emergence of technologies such as the integrated circuit, the Internet and mobile phones, 4 is the branch of technology that studies the automatic processing of information .

In 1957, Karl Steinbuch added the German word Informatik in the publication of a document called Informatik: Automatische Informationsverarbeitung (Computer: automatic information processing) . The Soviet Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailov was the first to use Informatik with the meaning of "study, organization, and dissemination of scientific information ", which continues to be its meaning in that language. In English, the word informatics was coined independently and almost simultaneously by Walter F. Bauer, in 1962, when Bauer co-founded the company Informatics General, Inc